About us
Craft brewery "Three Cats" announces the recruitment of a team of loyal customers of all professions and lovers of freshly brewed beer, soft cider, amazing wine and champagne, as well as delicious meat and fish snacks. We are always happy to see real connoisseurs of football and other sports! Subscribe to our social media pages and take part in all our contests and promotions! Get prizes, gifts and deposits in our bar! Stay tuned! Make a repost and get discounts without leaving the bar counter, come with your friends and get a loyalty card. Celebrate birthdays and parties in our bar! We are a team! Our unity is the way to victory! Our victory is the success of all! Together with Three Cats!

The proverb
Says that:

The proverb
Says that:
Barman is a man, that understands you better, than your own wife

Telephone: +34 621 049 251
MO–FR: 07:00–00:30
SA-SU: 08:00-00:30